Antiparticle meaning in English - Antiparticle का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A subatomic particle corresponding to another particle with the same mass, spin and mean lifetime but with charge, parity, strangeness and other quantum numbers flipped in sign; a particle that has a reversed world line to another.

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Antiparticle का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of antiparticle ?

  • A subatomic particle corresponding to another particle with the same mass, spin and mean lifetime but with charge, parity, strangeness and other quantum numbers flipped in sign; a particle that has a reversed world line to another.

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Antiparticle meaning : A subatomic particle corresponding to another particle with the same mass, spin and mean lifetime but with charge, parity, strangeness and other quantum numbers flipped in sign; a particle that has a reversed world line to another.