Cannibalizing meaning in English - Cannibalizing का मतलब हिंदी में

  • To eat (parts of) another of one's own species. The female black widow spider is known to cannibalise the male.
  • To remove parts of (a machine, etc) for use in other similar machines.
  • To reduce sales or market share (for one of one's own products) by introducing another.
  • Rework old material; rehash.

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Cannibalizing का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of cannibalizing ?

  • To eat (parts of) another of one's own species. The female black widow spider is known to cannibalise the male.
  • To remove parts of (a machine, etc) for use in other similar machines.
  • To reduce sales or market share (for one of one's own products) by introducing another.
  • Rework old material; rehash.

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Cannibalizing meaning : To eat (parts of) another of one's own species. To remove parts of (a machine, etc) for use in other similar machines. To reduce sales or market share (for one of one's own products) by introducing another. Rework old material; rehash.