Canonization meaning in English - Canonization का मतलब हिंदी में

  • The final process or decree (following beatification) by which the name of a deceased person is placed in the catalogue (canon) of saints and commended to perpetual veneration and invocation.
  • The state of being canonized or sainted.

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Canonization ka Matlab Hindi me

Canonization का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of canonization ?

  • The final process or decree (following beatification) by which the name of a deceased person is placed in the catalogue (canon) of saints and commended to perpetual veneration and invocation.
  • The state of being canonized or sainted.

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Canonization meaning : The final process or decree (following beatification) by which the name of a deceased person is placed in the catalogue (canon) of saints and commended to perpetual veneration and invocation. The state of being canonized or sainted.