Sears meaning in English - Sears का मतलब हिंदी में

  • To char, scorch, or burn the surface of (something) with a hot instrument.
  • To wither; to dry up.
  • To make callous or insensible.
  • To mark permanently, as if by burning. The events of that day were seared into her memory.

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Sears ka Matlab Hindi me

Sears का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of sears ?

  • To char, scorch, or burn the surface of (something) with a hot instrument.
  • To wither; to dry up.
  • To make callous or insensible.
  • To mark permanently, as if by burning. The events of that day were seared into her memory.

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Sears meaning : To char, scorch, or burn the surface of (something) with a hot instrument. To wither; to dry up. To make callous or insensible. To mark permanently, as if by burning.