Chickenshits meaning in English - Chickenshits का मतलब हिंदी में

  • Petty and contemptible thing(s). Don't waste your time on that chickenshit.
  • A coward. I told him I wasn't having his insults, and he just backed right down. What a chickenshit.
  • A low-ranking officer who lords over and needlessly makes life miserable for his underlings; a petty, abusive martinet.

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What is the meaning of chickenshits ?

  • Petty and contemptible thing(s). Don't waste your time on that chickenshit.
  • A coward. I told him I wasn't having his insults, and he just backed right down. What a chickenshit.
  • A low-ranking officer who lords over and needlessly makes life miserable for his underlings; a petty, abusive martinet.

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Chickenshits meaning : Petty and contemptible thing(s). A coward. A low-ranking officer who lords over and needlessly makes life miserable for his underlings; a petty, abusive martinet.