Clusterfuck meaning in English - Clusterfuck का मतलब हिंदी में


  • A chaotic situation where everything seems to go wrong. It is often caused by incompetence, communication failure, or a complex environment. 2013: Barbara Kruger: What a ridiculous clusterfuck of totally uncool jokers. I make my work about this kind of sadly foolish farce. I’m waiting for all of them to sue me for copyright infringement in response to the Supreme v Married To The Mob battle
  • To fuck (something) up, to make a total mess of.

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Clusterfuck का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of clusterfuck ?

  • A chaotic situation where everything seems to go wrong. It is often caused by incompetence, communication failure, or a complex environment. 2013: Barbara Kruger: What a ridiculous clusterfuck of totally uncool jokers. I make my work about this kind of sadly foolish farce. I’m waiting for all of them to sue me for copyright infringement in response to the Supreme v Married To The Mob battle
  • To fuck (something) up, to make a total mess of.

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Clusterfuck meaning : A chaotic situation where everything seems to go wrong. It is often caused by incompetence, communication failure, or a complex environment. To fuck (something) up, to make a total mess of.