Factor meaning in English - Factor का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A doer, maker; a person who does things for another person or organization. The factor of the trading post bought the furs.
  • An agent or representative.
  • A commission agent.
  • A person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's business.
  • A business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts receivable.
  • One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result. The economy was a factor in this year's budget figures.
  • Any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole. 3 is a factor of 12, as are 2, 4 and 6.
  • (causal analysis) Influence; a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence. The launch temperature was a factor of the Challenger disaster.
  • A resource used in the production of goods or services, a factor of production.
  • A steward or bailiff of an estate.
  • To find all the factors of (a number or other mathematical object) (the objects that divide it evenly).
  • (of a number or other mathematical object) To be a product of other objects.
  • (commercial) To sell a debt or debts to an agent (the factor) to collect.

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Factor ka Matlab Hindi me

Factor का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of factor ?

  • A doer, maker; a person who does things for another person or organization. The factor of the trading post bought the furs.
  • An agent or representative.
  • A commission agent.
  • A person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's business.
  • A business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts receivable.
  • One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result. The economy was a factor in this year's budget figures.
  • Any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole. 3 is a factor of 12, as are 2, 4 and 6.
  • (causal analysis) Influence; a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence. The launch temperature was a factor of the Challenger disaster.
  • A resource used in the production of goods or services, a factor of production.
  • A steward or bailiff of an estate.
  • To find all the factors of (a number or other mathematical object) (the objects that divide it evenly).
  • (of a number or other mathematical object) To be a product of other objects.
  • (commercial) To sell a debt or debts to an agent (the factor) to collect.

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Factor meaning : A doer, maker; a person who does things for another person or organization. An agent or representative. A commission agent. A person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's business. A business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts receivable. One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result. Any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole. (causal analysis) Influence; a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence. A resource used in the production of goods or services, a factor of production. A steward or bailiff of an estate. To find all the factors of (a number or other mathematical object) (the objects that divide it evenly). (of a number or other mathematical object) To be a product of other objects. (commercial) To sell a debt or debts to an agent (the factor) to collect.