Flyfishes meaning in English - Flyfishes का मतलब हिंदी में

  • Sebastes ensifer (the name given in most sources,Sebastichthys rhodochloris, seems to be a synonym for this), a brightly-coloured scorpaenoid fish of California.

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Flyfishes का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of flyfishes ?

  • Sebastes ensifer (the name given in most sources,Sebastichthys rhodochloris, seems to be a synonym for this), a brightly-coloured scorpaenoid fish of California.

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Flyfishes meaning : Sebastes ensifer (the name given in most sources,Sebastichthys rhodochloris, seems to be a synonym for this), a brightly-coloured scorpaenoid fish of California.