Micropyle meaning in English - Micropyle का मतलब हिंदी में



  • In seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum.
  • The hilum of an ovum at the point of attachment to the ovary; any opening in the coverings of an ovum by which spermatozoa may find entrance.

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Micropyle ka Matlab Hindi me

Micropyle का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of micropyle ?

  • In seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum.
  • The hilum of an ovum at the point of attachment to the ovary; any opening in the coverings of an ovum by which spermatozoa may find entrance.

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Micropyle meaning : In seed-bearing plants, a small opening in the integuments of the ovule through which sperm are able to access the ovum. The hilum of an ovum at the point of attachment to the ovary; any opening in the coverings of an ovum by which spermatozoa may find entrance.