Snoots meaning in English - Snoots का मतलब हिंदी में

  • An elitist individual; one who looks down upon lower social classes.
  • A language pedant or snob; one who practices linguistic elitism.
  • A nose or snout, especially in derogatory use.
  • Snout; especially of a dog ("doggo") or snake ("snek").
  • A cylindrical or conical attachment used on a spotlight to restrict spill light.
  • To behave disdainfully toward.

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Snoots का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of snoots ?

  • An elitist individual; one who looks down upon lower social classes.
  • A language pedant or snob; one who practices linguistic elitism.
  • A nose or snout, especially in derogatory use.
  • Snout; especially of a dog ("doggo") or snake ("snek").
  • A cylindrical or conical attachment used on a spotlight to restrict spill light.
  • To behave disdainfully toward.

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Snoots meaning : An elitist individual; one who looks down upon lower social classes. A language pedant or snob; one who practices linguistic elitism. A nose or snout, especially in derogatory use. Snout; especially of a dog ("doggo") or snake ("snek"). A cylindrical or conical attachment used on a spotlight to restrict spill light. To behave disdainfully toward.