Take to meaning in English - Take to का मतलब हिंदी में

  • To adapt to; to learn, grasp or master. Although he had never skated before, he took to it quickly, and soon glided around the ice with ease.
  • To enter; to go into or move towards. As the train rushed through, thousands of birds took to the air at once.
  • To begin, as a new habit or practice. After the third one was rejected, she took to asking the department to check the form before she submitted it.
  • (of persons) To be attracted to.

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Take to ka Matlab Hindi me

Take to का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of take to ?

  • To adapt to; to learn, grasp or master. Although he had never skated before, he took to it quickly, and soon glided around the ice with ease.
  • To enter; to go into or move towards. As the train rushed through, thousands of birds took to the air at once.
  • To begin, as a new habit or practice. After the third one was rejected, she took to asking the department to check the form before she submitted it.
  • (of persons) To be attracted to.

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Take-to meaning : To adapt to; to learn, grasp or master. To enter; to go into or move towards. To begin, as a new habit or practice. (of persons) To be attracted to.