Tarrying meaning in English - Tarrying का मतलब हिंदी में

  • To delay; to be late or tardy in beginning or doing anything.
  • To linger in expectation of something or until something is done or happens.
  • To abide, stay or wait somewhere, especially if longer than planned.
  • To stay somewhere temporarily.
  • To wait for; to stay or stop for; to allow to linger.
  • The act of one who tarries; a waiting or staying behind.

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Tarrying ka Matlab Hindi me

Tarrying का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of tarrying ?

  • To delay; to be late or tardy in beginning or doing anything.
  • To linger in expectation of something or until something is done or happens.
  • To abide, stay or wait somewhere, especially if longer than planned.
  • To stay somewhere temporarily.
  • To wait for; to stay or stop for; to allow to linger.
  • The act of one who tarries; a waiting or staying behind.

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Tarrying meaning : To delay; to be late or tardy in beginning or doing anything. To linger in expectation of something or until something is done or happens. To abide, stay or wait somewhere, especially if longer than planned. To stay somewhere temporarily. To wait for; to stay or stop for; to allow to linger. The act of one who tarries; a waiting or staying behind.