Cared meaning in English - Cared का मतलब हिंदी में



  • To be concerned (about), to have an interest (in); to feel concern (about). "She doesn't care what you think." "I don't care, I'm still going."
  • (polite) To want, to desire; to like; to be inclined towards. I don't care to hear your opinion.
  • (with for) To look after or look out for. He cared for his mother while she was sick.
  • To mind; to object.

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Cared का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of cared ?

  • To be concerned (about), to have an interest (in); to feel concern (about). "She doesn't care what you think." "I don't care, I'm still going."
  • (polite) To want, to desire; to like; to be inclined towards. I don't care to hear your opinion.
  • (with for) To look after or look out for. He cared for his mother while she was sick.
  • To mind; to object.

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Cared meaning : To be concerned (about), to have an interest (in); to feel concern (about). (polite) To want, to desire; to like; to be inclined towards. (with for) To look after or look out for. To mind; to object.