Insufflate meaning in English - Insufflate का मतलब हिंदी में



  • To breathe or blow into or on.
  • To treat by blowing a gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity.
  • To inhale (a powder etc.). 2001: Cocaine is usually taken by insufflating the white powdered cocaine sulphate into the nose, which leads to rapid absorption of the drug into the bloodstream. — Leslie Iversen, Drugs: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 2001, p. 98)
  • To exhale upon baptismal water, or the one being baptised, as a ritual act.

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Insufflate का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of insufflate ?

  • To breathe or blow into or on.
  • To treat by blowing a gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity.
  • To inhale (a powder etc.). 2001: Cocaine is usually taken by insufflating the white powdered cocaine sulphate into the nose, which leads to rapid absorption of the drug into the bloodstream. — Leslie Iversen, Drugs: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford 2001, p. 98)
  • To exhale upon baptismal water, or the one being baptised, as a ritual act.

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Insufflate meaning : To breathe or blow into or on. To treat by blowing a gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity. To inhale (a powder etc.). To exhale upon baptismal water, or the one being baptised, as a ritual act.