National meaning in English - National का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A subject of a nation. The diplomats were advised not to interact with any foreign nationals except on official duty.
  • (usually in the plural) A tournament in which participants from all over the nation compete. After winning the regional tournament, the team advanced to the nationals.
  • Of or having to do with a nation.
  • (by extension) Of or having to do with a country (sovereign state). Import tariffs were raised for the national interest.

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National ka Matlab Hindi me

National का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of national ?

  • A subject of a nation. The diplomats were advised not to interact with any foreign nationals except on official duty.
  • (usually in the plural) A tournament in which participants from all over the nation compete. After winning the regional tournament, the team advanced to the nationals.
  • Of or having to do with a nation.
  • (by extension) Of or having to do with a country (sovereign state). Import tariffs were raised for the national interest.

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National meaning : A subject of a nation. (usually in the plural) A tournament in which participants from all over the nation compete. Of or having to do with a nation. (by extension) Of or having to do with a country (sovereign state).