Nativism meaning in English - Nativism का मतलब हिंदी में

  • A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
  • The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
  • The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
  • A theory that some knowledge of grammar is innate.

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Nativism ka Matlab Hindi me

Nativism का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of nativism ?

  • A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
  • The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
  • The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
  • A theory that some knowledge of grammar is innate.

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Nativism meaning : A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants. The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country. The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned. A theory that some knowledge of grammar is innate.