Skittish meaning in English - Skittish का मतलब हिंदी में



  • Easily scared or startled; timid. The cat likes people he knows, but he is skittish around strangers.
  • Wanton; changeable; fickle
  • Difficult to manage; tricky.

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Skittish ka Matlab Hindi me

Skittish का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of skittish ?

  • Easily scared or startled; timid. The cat likes people he knows, but he is skittish around strangers.
  • Wanton; changeable; fickle
  • Difficult to manage; tricky.

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Skittish meaning : Easily scared or startled; timid. Wanton; changeable; fickle Difficult to manage; tricky.