Strong meaning in English - Strong का मतलब हिंदी में



  • Capable of producing great physical force. a big strong man; Jake was tall and strong
  • Capable of withstanding great physical force. a strong foundation; good strong shoes
  • (of water, wind, etc.) Having a lot of power. The man was nearly drowned after a strong undercurrent swept him out to sea.
  • Determined; unyielding. He is strong in the face of adversity.
  • Highly stimulating to the senses. a strong light; a strong taste
  • Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor. a strong smell
  • Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient. a strong cup of coffee; a strong medicine
  • (specifically) Having a high alcoholic content. a strong drink
  • (grammar) Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels. a strong verb
  • That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution. a strong acid;  a strong base
  • Not easily subdued or taken. a strong position
  • Having wealth or resources. a strong economy
  • Impressive, good. You're working with troubled youth in your off time? That’s strong!
  • Having a specified number of people or units. The enemy's army force was five thousand strong.
  • (of a disease or symptom) Severe; very bad or intense.
  • Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.)
  • (of an argument) Convincing.
  • In a strong manner.

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Strong ka Matlab Hindi me

Strong का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of strong ?

  • Capable of producing great physical force. a big strong man; Jake was tall and strong
  • Capable of withstanding great physical force. a strong foundation; good strong shoes
  • (of water, wind, etc.) Having a lot of power. The man was nearly drowned after a strong undercurrent swept him out to sea.
  • Determined; unyielding. He is strong in the face of adversity.
  • Highly stimulating to the senses. a strong light; a strong taste
  • Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor. a strong smell
  • Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient. a strong cup of coffee; a strong medicine
  • (specifically) Having a high alcoholic content. a strong drink
  • (grammar) Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels. a strong verb
  • That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution. a strong acid;  a strong base
  • Not easily subdued or taken. a strong position
  • Having wealth or resources. a strong economy
  • Impressive, good. You're working with troubled youth in your off time? That’s strong!
  • Having a specified number of people or units. The enemy's army force was five thousand strong.
  • (of a disease or symptom) Severe; very bad or intense.
  • Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.)
  • (of an argument) Convincing.
  • In a strong manner.

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Strong meaning : Capable of producing great physical force. Capable of withstanding great physical force. (of water, wind, etc.) Having a lot of power. Determined; unyielding. Highly stimulating to the senses. Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor. Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient. (specifically) Having a high alcoholic content. (grammar) Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels. That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution. Not easily subdued or taken. Having wealth or resources. Impressive, good. Having a specified number of people or units. (of a disease or symptom) Severe; very bad or intense. Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.) (of an argument) Convincing. In a strong manner.