Ab initio meaning in English - Ab initio का मतलब हिंदी में

ab initio

/ˌæb əˈnɪt.i.oʊ/

  • From the time when a law, legal right or decree, contract, ownership interest, partnership (etc.) comes into force.
  • Calculated from first principles, i.e. from basic laws without any further additional assumptions.
  • (of an academic course) Taken with no prior qualifications.

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Ab initio ka Matlab Hindi me

Ab initio का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of ab initio ?

  • From the time when a law, legal right or decree, contract, ownership interest, partnership (etc.) comes into force.
  • Calculated from first principles, i.e. from basic laws without any further additional assumptions.
  • (of an academic course) Taken with no prior qualifications.

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Ab-initio meaning : From the time when a law, legal right or decree, contract, ownership interest, partnership (etc.) comes into force. Calculated from first principles, i.e. from basic laws without any further additional assumptions. (of an academic course) Taken with no prior qualifications.