Bob meaning in English - Bob का मतलब हिंदी में

  • A bobbing motion; a quick up and down movement. a bob of the head
  • A curtsy.
  • A bobber (buoyant fishing device).
  • Any of various hesperiid butterflies.
  • To move gently and vertically, in either a single motion or repeatedly up and down, at or near the surface of a body of water, or similar medium. The ball, which we had thought lost, suddenly bobbed up out of the water.
  • To move (something) as though it were bobbing in water. I bobbed my head under water and saw the goldfish.
  • To curtsy.
  • To strike with a quick, light blow; to tap.

  • A bob haircut.
  • Any round object attached loosely to a flexible line, a rod, a body part etc., so that it may swing when hanging from it
  • The dangling mass of a pendulum or plumb line.
  • The docked tail of a horse.
  • A short line ending a stanza of a poem.
  • The short runner of a sled.
  • A bobsleigh.
  • A small wheel, made of leather, with rounded edges, used in polishing spoons, etc.
  • A working beam in a steam engine.
  • A particular style of ringing changes on bells.
  • A blow; a shake or jog; a rap, as with the fist.
  • A knot or short curl of hair; also, a bob wig.
  • The refrain of a song.
  • A jeer; a sharp jest or taunt.
  • To cut (hair) into a bob haircut. I got my hair bobbed. How do you like it?
  • To shorten by cutting; to dock; to crop
  • To bobsleigh.

  • (Kenya) A shilling. I could have saved myself a few bob buying it somewhere else.
  • A 10-cent coin.
  • An unspecified amount of money. Spot me a few bob, Robert.

  • A dish made of small pieces of meat, with or without vegetables, which are skewered on a wooden or metal stick and roasted in an oven or over an open fire.
  • A crystal structure consisting of a central spine (the shish) and disks or lumps growing out from it (the kebab).

  • A graphical element, resembling a hardware sprite, that can be blitted around the screen in large numbers.

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Bob का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of bob ?

  • A bobbing motion; a quick up and down movement. a bob of the head
  • A curtsy.
  • A bobber (buoyant fishing device).
  • Any of various hesperiid butterflies.
  • To move gently and vertically, in either a single motion or repeatedly up and down, at or near the surface of a body of water, or similar medium. The ball, which we had thought lost, suddenly bobbed up out of the water.
  • To move (something) as though it were bobbing in water. I bobbed my head under water and saw the goldfish.
  • To curtsy.
  • To strike with a quick, light blow; to tap.

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Bob meaning : A bobbing motion; a quick up and down movement. A curtsy. A bobber (buoyant fishing device). Any of various hesperiid butterflies. To move gently and vertically, in either a single motion or repeatedly up and down, at or near the surface of a body of water, or similar medium. To move (something) as though it were bobbing in water. To curtsy. To strike with a quick, light blow; to tap.