Stop meaning : A (usually marked) place where buses, trams or trains halt to let passengers get on and off, usually smaller than a station. An action of stopping; interruption of travel. That which stops, impedes, or obstructs; an obstacle; an impediment. A device intended to block the path of a moving object A consonant sound in which the passage of air through the mouth is temporarily blocked by the lips, tongue, or glottis. A symbol used for purposes of punctuation and representing a pause or separating clauses, particularly a full stop, comma, colon or semicolon. A knob or pin used to regulate the flow of air in an organ. One of the vent-holes in a wind instrument, or the place on the wire of a stringed instrument, by the stopping or pressing of which certain notes are produced. A very short shot which touches the ground close behind the net and is intended to bounce as little as possible. The depression in a dog’s face between the skull and the nasal bones. A part of a photographic system that reduces the amount of light. A unit of exposure corresponding to a doubling of the brightness of an image. An f-stop. The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses. A coup d'arret, or stop thrust. To cease moving. To not continue. To cause (something) to cease moving or progressing. To cease; to no longer continue (doing something). To cause (something) to come to an end. To close or block an opening. (often with "up" or "down") To adjust the aperture of a camera lens. To stay; to spend a short time; to reside or tarry temporarily. To regulate the sounds of (musical strings, etc.) by pressing them against the fingerboard with the finger, or otherwise shortening the vibrating part. To punctuate. To make fast; to stopper.