Catholic meaning in English - Catholic का मतलब हिंदी में



  • Of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from e.g. the Orthodox church. Christmas is celebrated at different dates in the Catholic and Orthodox calendars.
  • Of the Roman Catholic church in particular. Catholic churches are built differently than Protestant ones.
  • Universal; all-encompassing.
  • Pertaining to all kinds of people and their range of tastes, proclivities etc.; liberal.

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Catholic ka Matlab Hindi me

Catholic का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of Catholic ?

  • Of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from e.g. the Orthodox church. Christmas is celebrated at different dates in the Catholic and Orthodox calendars.
  • Of the Roman Catholic church in particular. Catholic churches are built differently than Protestant ones.
  • Universal; all-encompassing.
  • Pertaining to all kinds of people and their range of tastes, proclivities etc.; liberal.

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Catholic meaning : Of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from e.g. the Orthodox church. Of the Roman Catholic church in particular. Universal; all-encompassing. Pertaining to all kinds of people and their range of tastes, proclivities etc.; liberal.