Cretic meaning in English - Cretic का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A verse of this kind.
  • Using or relating to a metrical pattern of poetry where each foot is composed of three syllables, the first and third of which are stressed and the second is unstressed. This pattern is very rare in English poetry.

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Cretic का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of cretic ?

  • A verse of this kind.
  • Using or relating to a metrical pattern of poetry where each foot is composed of three syllables, the first and third of which are stressed and the second is unstressed. This pattern is very rare in English poetry.

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Cretic meaning : A verse of this kind. Using or relating to a metrical pattern of poetry where each foot is composed of three syllables, the first and third of which are stressed and the second is unstressed. This pattern is very rare in English poetry.