Dismay meaning in English - Dismay का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits He looked in dismay at the destruction of the town caused by the hurricane.
  • Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.
  • To cause to feel apprehension; great sadness, or fear; to deprive of energy
  • To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet.
  • To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.

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Dismay का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of dismay ?

  • A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits He looked in dismay at the destruction of the town caused by the hurricane.
  • Condition fitted to dismay; ruin.
  • To cause to feel apprehension; great sadness, or fear; to deprive of energy
  • To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet.
  • To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.

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Dismay meaning : A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits Condition fitted to dismay; ruin. To cause to feel apprehension; great sadness, or fear; to deprive of energy To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet. To take dismay or fright; to be filled with dismay.