Flabbergasted meaning in English - Flabbergasted का मतलब हिंदी में


  • To overwhelm with bewilderment; to amaze, confound, or stun, especially in a ludicrous manner. He was flabbergasted to find that his work had been done for him before he began.
  • Appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted. He was flabbergasted at how much weight he had gained.
  • Damned.

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Flabbergasted का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of flabbergasted ?

  • To overwhelm with bewilderment; to amaze, confound, or stun, especially in a ludicrous manner. He was flabbergasted to find that his work had been done for him before he began.
  • Appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted. He was flabbergasted at how much weight he had gained.
  • Damned.

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Flabbergasted meaning : To overwhelm with bewilderment; to amaze, confound, or stun, especially in a ludicrous manner. Appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted. Damned.