Ground rule meaning in English - Ground rule का मतलब हिंदी में

ground rule

  • A rule regarding play on a specific field, course, or court.
  • (usually in the plural) The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding. Make sure everybody knows the ground rules for the trip before they leave.

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Ground rule का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of ground rule ?

  • A rule regarding play on a specific field, course, or court.
  • (usually in the plural) The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding. Make sure everybody knows the ground rules for the trip before they leave.

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Ground-rule meaning : A rule regarding play on a specific field, course, or court. (usually in the plural) The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding.