Honor meaning : Recognition of importance or value; respect; veneration (of someone, usually for being morally upright or successful) The state of being morally upright, honest, noble, virtuous, and magnanimous; excellence of character; the perception of such a state; favourable reputation; dignity A token of praise or respect; something that represents praiseworthiness or respect, such as a prize or award given by the state to a citizen A privilege (in the plural) the privilege of going first A cause of respect and fame; a glory; an excellency; an ornament. (feudal law) a seigniory or lordship held of the king, on which other lordships and manors depended The center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon (compare honour point) In bridge, an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit. In some other games, an ace, king, queen or jack. (in the plural) (courses for) an honours degree: a university qualification of the highest rank To think of highly, to respect highly; to show respect for; to recognise the importance or spiritual value of To conform to, abide by, act in accordance with (an agreement, treaty, promise, request, or the like) To confer (bestow) an honour or privilege upon (someone) To make payment in respect of (a cheque, banker's draft, etc.)