Toast meaning in English - Toast का मतलब हिंदी में



  • Toasted bread. I ate a piece of toast for breakfast.
  • A proposed salutation (e.g. to say "cheers") while drinking alcohol. At the reception, there were many toasts from the well-wishers.
  • A person, group, or notable object to which a salutation with alcohol is made; a person or group held in similar esteem. He was the toast of high society.
  • (chiefly US) Something that will be no more; something subject to impending destruction, harm or injury. If I ever get my hands on the guy that stole my wallet, he’s toast!
  • Extemporaneous narrative poem or rap.
  • A transient, informational pop-up window.



  • To lightly cook by browning via direct exposure to a fire or other heat source. We liked to toast marshmallows around the campfire.
  • To grill, lightly cook by browning specifically under a grill or in a toaster Top with cheese and toast under the grill for a few minutes.
  • To engage in a salutation and/or accompanying raising of glasses while drinking alcohol in honor of someone or something. We toasted the happy couple many times over the course of the evening.
  • To warm thoroughly. I toasted my feet by the fire.
  • To perform extemporaneous narrative poem or rap.

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Toast का मतलब हिंदी में

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What is the meaning of toast ?

  • Toasted bread. I ate a piece of toast for breakfast.
  • A proposed salutation (e.g. to say "cheers") while drinking alcohol. At the reception, there were many toasts from the well-wishers.
  • A person, group, or notable object to which a salutation with alcohol is made; a person or group held in similar esteem. He was the toast of high society.
  • (chiefly US) Something that will be no more; something subject to impending destruction, harm or injury. If I ever get my hands on the guy that stole my wallet, he’s toast!
  • Extemporaneous narrative poem or rap.
  • A transient, informational pop-up window.

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Toast meaning : Toasted bread. A proposed salutation (e.g. to say "cheers") while drinking alcohol. A person, group, or notable object to which a salutation with alcohol is made; a person or group held in similar esteem. (chiefly US) Something that will be no more; something subject to impending destruction, harm or injury. Extemporaneous narrative poem or rap. A transient, informational pop-up window.