Phylum meaning in English - Phylum का मतलब हिंदी में



  • A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class; also called a division, especially in describing plants; a taxon at that rank Mammals belong to the phylum Chordata.
  • A large division of possibly related languages, or a major language family which is not subordinate to another.

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Phylum ka Matlab Hindi me

Phylum का मतलब हिंदी में

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the meaning of phylum ?

  • A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class; also called a division, especially in describing plants; a taxon at that rank Mammals belong to the phylum Chordata.
  • A large division of possibly related languages, or a major language family which is not subordinate to another.

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Phylum meaning : A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class; also called a division, especially in describing plants; a taxon at that rank A large division of possibly related languages, or a major language family which is not subordinate to another.